Wishlist Ready! With @theteacherteam

Wishlist Ready! With @theteacherteam

Happy SEPTEMBER friends! 

We made it! Fall is right around the corner which means… (in no particular order)

  • Pumpkin spice everything 
  • Baking cookies
  • Fall decorations
  • Cinnamon/fall scented candles
  • Scary movies
  • Jack o’lanterns
  • Skeletons, 13 Days of Halloween movies, candy corn, Autumn colors, caramel apples

I could really go on for a while, and there will definitely be some fall blog posts coming up-stay tuned! But for now, there’s something more pertinent I thought we needed to talk about first, which is… SHOPPING! I’ve seen so many good deals lately that I thought I’d share some of the products I’ve had on my wishlist, on my mind, and especially in my cart! read more

What’s for dinner?

What’s for dinner?

Welcome back everyone!

It has been a crazy, hectic, restless week. We are officially back in school, and most importantly, we’re in back to school MODE. This essentially means that everything gets pushed to the weekend, dishes pile up constantly in the kitchen because we’re exhausted by the time we get home, and we’re falling asleep by 8:15 PM. This usually happens in the first few weeks until we finally find our groove again (and our caffeine fixes). Back to school mode is no joke, and neither is the monumental whirlwind of realizing that there are never enough hours in a day to finish everything you need to. read more