Hi friends,
John and I both found out yesterday that each of our districts will be closing down schools effective Monday, March 16th and we will be teaching our students via Google Classroom for the next several weeks. If you got this or similar news yesterday and feel overwhelmed, do not panic. Just breathe. It will be okay. We are here to help. Take another breath, and repeat.
We have created many resources that may be able to help you. They have been created to upload into Google classroom in seconds. We are happy to answer questions, sample resources, or just listen if you need us. I will list some resources for you if you need help with ideas:
You can teach grammar via individual grammar skills or grammar bundles. We have OVER 80 individual grammar Google-based resources available in our store. Email us if you’d like one at no charge…. theteacherteam@gmail.com. Students use their computers at home and practice these skills using resources like these:
ELA Grammar Bundle L.3.1

ELA Grammar Bundle L.3.2

We have bundles like this for second through sixth grades, for Literacy standards 1 an 2. You can find them in our
The Teacher Team store read more