Q&A with The Teacher Team!

Hello friends and happy summer!


     For those who are new to this blog, we’d like to say welcome and we hope you enjoy our content on this page! We discuss a myriad of topics including TPT, family, lifestyle, teaching tips, daily reality, and more. For those who are returning to our blog, we’d like to say welcome back, and thank you for supporting us! John and I will be posting more content ready for readers, and it is our hope that we are able to connect further with you all.

With that all being said, we’re going to let you all get to know us a little bit better with a fun Q&A. Even though John and I are both teachers, our positions contrast one another in different ways. John is a Anatomy/Biology/Physiology teacher for secondary education, and I am a resource teacher who supports fellow peers on how to implement new teaching strategies. Although our goals are the same, our days and tasks seem like polar opposites at times. Here’s our Q&A for anyone looking to get to know us better, and we hope old and new readers enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed doing it! Let’s get started…

Q: How many hours do you each spend at school a day, including meetings, confrences, extra curriculars, etc.?

Carol: “Usually around 9 hours a day depending on the day; not including the additional work we do at home at night and on the weekends.”

John: “It usually depends on the day, but I would say on average it’s about 8 1/2- 9 hours.”

Q: What period/part of the day do you feel the most sluggish? The most awake?

Carol: “Two o’clock hands down I feel the most sluggish, so I make a pot of coffee for everyone in the office everyday around that time! I feel like I’m the most awake when I get to work in the morning because I’m ready to go.”

John: “I feel most sluggish after lunch around 12:40, and the most awake probably the morning. My favorite subject to teach during the day is anatomy; it’s a fun subject for me because it’s so interesting.”

Q: What do you do to destress or keep stress levels low?

Carol: “I go to the gym to destress, and really any type of movement helps me with that such as running, or walking around during the day. I also hop in the jacuzzi at night which physically helps me unwind.”

John: “I exercise 4-5 times a week, and I try to get enough sleep every night because that’s ultimately what helps me destress as well as not get sick during cold and flu season. I started meditating recently which has helped me mentally destress, so during the school year I will carve out some time to do it often because it’s important.”

Q: What’s your favorite season to teach in? Late summer, fall, winter, or spring? 

Carol: “Ohhh that’s a super hard question and I’ve asked myself this numerous times…Obviously fall is a special time because it’s back to school season and everyones excited with their new supplies and whatnot. I would say fall and winter are my favorites because of all the holiday activities and everythings new/fresh. It’s kind of a chance to start over and implement things that you liked doing the year before and create new strategies for the things that didn’t work out as much as you’d hoped.”

John: “Each one has it’s own positives- I like towards the end of the school year around spring because I get to see how much my students have grown. I feel accomplished when students pick out their favorite activities/lessons/experiments  we did during the year because I try to make my class an enjoyable experience.”

This last and final question will hopefully make everyone laugh a little!

Q: Do you think you could do one another’s job for a week?

Carol: “I could content wise I think, but not classroom management wise. I feel like high school students would try to walk all over me because I try to be easy going ha ha!”

John: “I’m not cut out for that, I definitely think I’m where I’m supposed to be for sure! I would if I had her strength and patience ha ha!”

   Hopefully this Q&A helped everyone get to know us a little bit better! I think being teachers and husband+wife, we appreciate what one another does immensely because both of us could not do one another’s job- at least very easily ha ha. We’re lucky because if one of us needs advice, the other provides helpful pieces of perspective, sort of like brainstorming. Both of us are good partners job wise and life wise to one another, which is why we created the name “The Teacher Team”. It takes teamwork all around to make amazing things happen! 

Thank you everyone for stopping by, this Q&A was fun for both of us! Can’t wait to see you soon!

-John and Carol 

The Teacher Team


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