Fitness with Friends and Family to Make Working Out More Fun!

Fitness with Friends and Family to Make Working Out More Fun!

Are you too tired to even think about working out or participating in your fitness program? Sometimes it’s a struggle to get through your teaching day, let alone worrying about getting to the gym. What if you can make working out so fun that you look forward to it? Involve your “people”and create a lifestyle of fitness with friends and family to make working out more fun! read more

Moving,  Counting, and Goal Setting!

Moving, Counting, and Goal Setting!

Wait- we have to do math while we exercise? What? Let’s step back and think for a second. The way you begin to make progress toward fitness is by doing a little bit more than you did the day before. When we see all of the brand new, shiny faces entering our classrooms each year, one of the first things we do to help them grow as learners is assess them. Why do we do that? Because we need to know where they are to help them set goals, and we then make a plan to help them achieve success. The same things goes with exercise. read more

A Teacher’s Journey to Fitness

John told me years ago that he considered me “The Pied Piper” of exercise. I earned this lovely nickname a long time ago, at the beginning of my teaching career. Early on, I had to move to different schools because elementary classroom teaching positions were scarce. It was so hard to move each time, but I now cherish those years because I met so many amazing teacher friends along the way. I still stay in touch with all of those friends to this day. read more